Doug Hewett

Doug Hewett

City Manager, Fayetteville, NC
DBA Scholar


Doug Hewett, a North Carolina native, earned both his undergraduate degree—Bachelor of Arts in Political Science—and his graduate degree—Master of Public Administration—from North Carolina State University. He currently serves as the City Manager of Fayetteville, North Carolina, overseeing a full-service city with a population of more than 210,000. Over his nearly 25-year career in local government, spanning three different states, Doug has worked alongside business leaders, citizens and elected officials on a range of initiatives—from building fire stations to delivering an award-winning Minor League Baseball stadium.

When not working, Doug enjoys spending time with friends and family, driving his 1976 Ford Thunderbird and traveling.

Research Interest

Much of Doug’s career has been dedicated to serving economically-challenged communities in eastern North Carolina, fueling his interest in how early life experiences, resilience and exposure to opportunity intersect with poverty, governance and public policy. His current research explores how Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), Youth Sports Participation and Entrepreneurial Role Models influence the development of entrepreneurial intentions, and how resilience can serve as a critical buffer. Doug is particularly interested in how local governments and policy leaders can create environments that reduce childhood adversity, foster resilience and encourage economic empowerment as strategies for breaking cycles of poverty.

Doug hopes to leverage the DBA to strengthen his leadership and strategic decision making and to better address systemic challenges within his organization and the communities he serves.